What sustainable fishing means to The Bay | The Bay Fish and Chips

What sustainable fishing means to The Bay

Posted by Calum Richardson in Calum

April 13, 2021

Both the sustainability and traceability of all our ingredients is extremely important to me and something we do not take lightly here at The Bay.

Of course, one of our main ingredients is fish – and I do my very best to ensure that we only purchase the very best produce. 

I am proud that all of our ingredients are locally sourced and I have strong ongoing relationships with our Scottish suppliers and fishing vessels. 

Having these relationships gives me confidence that I can trust and believe that what I am purchasing is exactly what is advertised.

Here at The Bay, we only buy fish that are in a reproductive state, are legally caught under responsible fishing schemes and are MSC certified.

The Scottish fishing fleet have worked tirelessly over the years with scientific experts to create healthier fishing grounds. Using their research, they have created technology that enables the identification of individual species of fish and specific sized nets to make sure they are catching the desired fish. They work under tight restrictions that ensure their work is as ethical as possible.

What’s more, the Scottish fishing fleet has a ‘fish for litter’ policy – this means that any litter that is retrieved in their nets, they must take to shore and recycle. 

Ultimately, the restrictions and conditions on board these vessels, as well as the staff retention says a lot about the work they do. 

I feel that having a good relationship with skippers on board allows us to build a relationship of understanding and trust. Having the MSC accreditation greatly benefits the whole industry and the Scottish fleet, to allow sustainable fishing for the foreseeable future.

I feel lucky that there are so many tight restrictions and governed laws around our coast, unlike many other places in the world. 

This gives me great confidence in the product that we buy and sell. However, I am very away that it also highlights that there is still a lot more that could be done elsewhere. 

About Calum

At the helm of The Bay is Chef Director Calum Richardson, who works hard to raise awareness on the importance of sustainability in the UK and beyond. As an MSC quality assessor, judge for the NFFF awards and training director at the Scottish Seafood Training Association, Calum is dedicated to raising the profile of the whole fish and chip industry.