Taking steps to safeguard the sustainability of fisheries | The Bay Fish and Chips
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December 11, 2021

How we’re taking steps to safeguard the fish of the future

With COP26 and our impact on the environment being at the forefront of recent news, it’s no secret that climate change, pollution, and single-use plastics are having a detrimental impact on the planet.

The Bay are striving to put their best step forward with their sustainability promises and practices. However, solving the issue and protecting the sustainability of fisheries is easier said than done. In this blog, we get Calum’s opinion on the importance and urgency of safeguarding the fish of the future, sustainability, and what we can do as a nation to help the environment.sustainbility of fisheries calum

The word sustainability is used a lot but what does sustainability mean to you?

To me, sustainability means peace of mind and that I’m trying my best to supply not only the greatest of ingredients and products, but safeguarding the future of product, environment and the industry.

How and where is your fish sourced from?

All of the fish is caught and sourced from the North sea and landed in Peterhead, one of Europe’s largest fish markets. This bottom process is carried out by Coupers LTD, our supplier for just shy of 15 years. The produce is then delivered fresh to The Bay Fish and Chips.

sustainability of fisheries

How are you doing your part to protect the fish for the future?

I strive to do my best wherever possible where the sustainability of fisheries are concerned. Not only is The Bay Fish and Chips MSC certified, buying all of the fish using the MSC guide, but I also use the Responsible Fishing Scheme so I’m considerate of my actions on the environment.

Do you worry about the future sustainability of fish in the future?

I think you have to worry because of the way things are going. I just returned from the COP26 Climate Conference, where I cooked for the world’s leaders. This really reminded me how important climate change is and that we all need to take steps to work on it. If everyone takes responsibility then there should be fish for many years.

fisheries blog

What is the fishing industry doing to guarantee a healthy, sustainable future for fisheries?

The sustainability of fisheries is crucial which is why the boats are part of the Responsible Fishing Scheme, are MSC certified, and are all part of the Fish for Litter Scheme. Although they’re limited to the number of days at sea and quotas of catch, they use technology to help them to fish for the correct species.

How do you believe others can make a difference to try and be more sustainable?

We need to look at where everything comes from and go right back to the start. People need to talk to each other and learn from each other. My hope is that by speaking out and raising awareness of this, I’ll encourage a change in my customers through my sustainable practices and this will have a domino effect as the word goes around.


Is there anything customers or people at home could be doing to protect our oceans?

The key thing is to look at where they are buying their products from. Take note of the chemicals used and look at what is going down the drain. I think it’s also important to buy only what we need to avoid food waste. There are plenty of ways to avoid food waste even if you do overspend.

What do you and The Bay think the future holds for our oceans?

Simply putting it, my views are that people need to change. So many more of us need to respect the planet we live on because we can’t abuse it forever. 

We take sustainability seriously at The Bay Fish and Chips, so to learn more and to discover how we’re doing our part to help the environment, read our sustainability blog.

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