TUESDAY TO SUNDAY 12-8PM 01569 762000 info@thebayfishandchips.com

Forked Up 90: Calum’s Hospitality Coaching Programme

Calum Richardson is renowned not only for serving some of the UK’s best fish and chips but also for his expertise in the hospitality industry. As a sought-after business coach, Calum’s expertise goes beyond the kitchen, helping fellow hospitality entrepreneurs find success and sustainability.

visit forked up
Calum and Viktorija
Calum Journal Forked-Up

Calum understands the demands of running a hospitality business firsthand. His Forked Up 90 online coaching programme is tailored to help hospitality business owners to increase profits, improve efficiency, and reduce stress—all while making more time for family and personal life.

More on Calum’s story below…

Calum Journal Forked-Up

Forked Up 90

THE Online Coaching Programme For Hospitality Business Owners Wanting More Time, More Profit And Less Stress:

Learn how to take your hospitality business to the next level whilst eliminating overwhelm and actually spending more time with your friends and family.

The Bay - Team Photo

Award-Winning Excellence

Join award-winning chef, Calum Richardson

90 days in his signature, step-by-step programme for increasing productivity and boosting your bottom line without losing your sanity.

Calum is so confident he can help you, Forked Up comes with a money back guarantee.

Calum Richardson Award-Winning Chef
The Bay Shop Front

money-back guarantee

With Forked Up 90, Calum is committed to delivering results, backed by a money-back guarantee for those ready to transform their business.

The Bay Shop Front

What to expect:

Access to Calum’s BIG black book of contacts

Meet in-person 1-2-1

Unlimited 1-2-1 online coaching sessions

Opportunity to personally shadow Calum

Marketing growth strategy

Full business audit

Guest training modules

Exclusive business training modules

Unique Forked Up journal

Network with fellow business owners

Accountability to keep you on track

Unlimited online access to Calum

The Bay Fish & Chip Shop
Beach Promenade
AB39 2RD